Verify with Confidence
Rental history, solved.
Landlord verification.
Rentvine's landlord verification feature facilitates the process of checking a potential tenant's rental history for property managers and landlords. It's automatically available in Rentvine's system but requires setting specific fields as mandatory in the application template, such as the tenant's address history, monthly payments, and manager contact information. When these details are entered in an application, a "Landlord Verification" tab becomes accessible, enabling the sending of a questionnaire to former landlords. The answers to this questionnaire, which inquire about various tenant behaviors and responsibilities, help landlords assess the suitability of the applicant.
schedule a demoBank transaction history, accessed.
Income verification by
Plaid's income verification feature allows property managers to verify an applicant's income by accessing their bank transaction history. Using the applicant's bank credentials for authentication, property managers can review financial transactions from the past two years. This process ensures that the income stated by applicants is accurate, providing a reliable basis for evaluating their financial stability and ability to pay rent.
schedule a demoFacial comparison tech, enabled.
Identity verification by
Plaid's identity verification feature involves applicants uploading photos of their ID documents. Plaid then verifies these documents using facial comparison technology, comparing the photo on the ID with a selfie taken by the applicant. This process ensures the authenticity of the applicant's identity, helping property managers and other users to trust the verification process.
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