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7-12-22 Release Notes

7-12-22 Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements


  • Enhanced the collection and tracking of management fees. Now there is a new option to switch to a “Bill” management fee mode: (bill management fees vs ledger management fees). In "Bill" management fee mode, the collection of management fees creates a bill instead of posting the fees directly to a manager ledger.  Other enhancements include the ability to easily see a breakdown of all management fees paid to the property management company (Vendor Payment Report), easily track fees per unit on a monthly period basis (I.e. minimums vs rent collected and payment returns are automatically calculated) All customers that went live on or after June 2022 are currently set on the new "Bill" management fee mode.  Any customers that went live prior to June 2022 and are interested in switching or finding out more about "Bill" management fee mode please contact support so we can get you switched.  We are currently working on a video to explain this new feature.

  • Rebuilt recurring charges and how Actual Rent amount is determined on a lease.  Actual rent is now automatically calculated based on the recurring rent charges on the lease.  The rent amount column found on many reports (Lease, Lease Balances, Rent Roll) is based on the actual rent amount on a lease.

  • Rebuilt Rentvine authentication and authorization in order to enhance the user experience.  One of the many benefits is not being signed out when opening up multiple tabs.

  • Tenant information is no longer shown on work orders that are attached to owner statements

  • Added a new notification type, Electronic Check Returned to Tenant.  This will notify a tenant when an electronic payment is returned (NSF).  It is disabled by default.  To turn it on go to the Notifications section in settings under the tenant tab.

  • Removed the “start date” when editing recurring bills, work orders, management fees, journal entries, ledger transfers, scheduled reports.  Replaced it with “next date” instead.

  • Added a tag to all files that lets you know which portal it was uploaded from.  I.e., Manager, Resident, Owner or Vendor.

  • Enhanced custom fields toggle from a two way toggle to a three way toggle (No, N/A, Yes)


  • Added additional preview information to show when editing the management fee setting of a property.


  • Added ShowMojo as an additional showing provider integration with Rentvine.

  • Added ability to view property images as a slideshow on the property / images tab.

  • Documents on the marketing tab are now available on your PMW website listing.

Screening and Applications

  • Added income verification using Plaid integration. Allows applicants to authenticate with their bank and provide transactions so the PM is able to verify their income.

  • Added feature that allows the submission of a “generic application” that is not linked to a unit.

  • Enhanced header on rentvine public application for better mobile responsiveness.

  • Removed the validation of select fields when a PM is updating/modifying  an application.


  • Created lease and recurring charges import tools (Onboarding purposes).


  • Added a new transaction type, Vendor Credits.  If an Owner/Portfolio overpaid a vendor, you can now enter a vendor credit. (Actions button in the Money Out section)

  • Added option to “select all” when manually posting late fees.

  • Added payee name to description column on money out section of reconciliation page.

  • Added ability to edit the date on settlements.

  • Added a management fee earned card to the lease tenant payment details view page.

  • Deactivated units are no longer shown in the “units without management fees to collect” card in the post management fees page.


  • Added additional property and work order information to “work order accepted by vendor” notifications.

  • Added links to the footer section of emails originating out of Rentvine.  Allows you to click on the link to take you directly to the portfolio, property, tenant, work order, etc..associated with the email.

  • Added the “Send” button to the top of the compose email modal.

  • Added ability to generate mass letters for leases, portfolios and vendors. Once the mass letters are generated you have the option to download all of them or email them as attachments.

  • Added applicant name, email and address hotfields to email and letter templates.

  • Added additional information to the “text message received” notification message.


  • Added property maintenance notes to work order PDF.

  • After adding work order to an open project, the landing page now goes back to the open project.

  • Moved tenant field on property details section of a work order to make more room for the maintenance notes.

  • Added ability to associate existing work order templates to work order project templates.

  • Added additional enhancements to work order project templates and work order templates.

  • Added “recently used vendors” list to edit view of a work order.


  • Added Rent Roll report

  • Added Application / Screening reports

    • Applicants

    • Applications

    • Screening Payments

    • Screening Payouts

    • Screening Refunds

  • Added tags and custom fields as filter options to portfolio balances report.

  • Added owner contact information (address, phone, email) as filters and columns on Owner Unit report.  

  • Added ability to only show past due rent on Aged Receivables report.  Choose the “Show Only Rent” filter.

  • Added “prevent consolidated payments” filter/column to owners and vendors reports.

  • Added “MultiUnit” filter to property report.

  • Added “County” field to the property and units reports

  • Added “Is Additional Management Fee” filter and column to lease charges report.

Resident Portal

  • Added an itemized list of monthly recurring charges to the dashboard of the resident portal.

Owner Portal

  • Added an option to hide tenant names when viewing the details of a lease.  You can do this by going to the Global Settings area of your Rentvine account under the Owner Settings in the Portals section.

Vendor Portal

  • Added property maintenance notes to work order details view page in the additional information area.

  • Added files tab to work order details view.

  • Added ability to allow vendors to upload files to work orders.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where work order estimate balance was not included on the owner statement balance message.

  • Fixed a bug where unpaid bills balance was incorrect on the owner statement.

  • Fixed webpack building issues.

  • Fixed bug where unit count graph on dashboard not showing all data.

  • Fixed bug where disabling Unpaid Bills and Work Order estimates on owner statements settings, but were still appearing on the owner statements.

  • Fixed bug where adding a markup to a bill would cause an error on the PDF.

  • Fixed bug where the property filter on the live ledger in the owner portal was not working.

  • Fixed email signature bug.

  • Fixed bug where “Send Remote Check” action was appearing on payments that were not checks.

  • Fixed bug where hotfields in subject field were not populating when sending the email from mass messages.

  • Fixed error bug when creating an application template.

  • Fixed bug where you could not sign out of the owner portal.

  • Fixed bug in the references section of the application template.

  • Fixed bug when adding a recurring charge, the creation screen would not disappear.

  • Fixed bug where unable to view the rest of the application templates - pagination was not working.

  • Fixed bug in vendor portal when accepting a work order.

  • Fixed bug where the approve on submission toggle was not working.

  • Fixed image reorder bug.

  • Fixed bug where you could not change the unit an applicant was applying for.

  • Fixed bug where you could not process an invoice.

  • Fixed bug where pagination and search was not working properly in scheduled reports and reports pages.

  • Fixed bug where refreshing ledger tab would be “stuck” reloading.

  • Fixed bug on Pay Bills page where the bill filter was not available after clearing it.

  • Fixed bug where you could not add an existing tenant to a lease.

  • Fixed bug where unit filter on application list view page was not working.

  • Fixed bug when trying to compose email from global search, email was not sent.

  • Fixed bug on owner portal where bills tab on property view was still appearing when “Show Bills Enabled” was turned off.

  • Fixed bug where recurring credits in the lease view was not sorting correctly after create / edit.

  • Fixed isCash bug on GL report.

  • Fixed bug with recurring lease charge import tool.

  • Fixed bug when modifying a recurring work order next occurrence date.

  • Fixed bug when processing an invoice, it was not saving the invoice in the files tab of the bill.

  • Fixed bug where if scheduling is not enabled on work orders, it still asks a vendor to pick or skip a time.

  • Fixed bug where appointment setting was disabled but it was still showing the schedule options.

  • Fixed bug where editing a recurring bill was causing the page to crash.

  • Fixed bug where you could not create a bill from a work order.

  • Fixed bug on tenant credit where it would decrease both the portfolio and manager ledger when “transfer from manager” was toggled on.

  • Fixed bug where saved reports that required the cash/accrual filter were not working.

  • Fixed bug where leases would not save on move in process.

  • Fixed bug where paying charges through move out process would show “Move Out Deposit Release” on the owner statement.  It now shows the actual charge that was paid.

  • Fixed bug where New Single Payment transaction would show as an owner distribution on the owner portal.

  • Fixed bug where unpaid bills with a markup were showing the bill amount without the markup amount.

  • Fixed tthe sorting of the general ledger report.

  • Fixed bug where income verification was not appearing on the generic application.

  • Fixed bug where certain PDF’s files could not be uploaded.

  • Fixed bug where MFA code was not being sent on payment batch approvals.

  • Fixed bug where you could not add a default charge account on HOA contact page.

  • Fixed bug where printing checks on certain printer models would fail.

  • Fixed bug where the “maintenance appointment settings” page would hang for some Rentvine accounts.

  • Fixed reconciliation “transaction model amount has changed” bug.

  • Fixed bug where changing a check number on a single new payment would fail.

  • FIxed bug where you could not remove a tenant from a lease if a prior move out was canceled.

  • Fixed bug where renewal fee toggle was not working.

  • Fixed bug where reconciliation breakdown links were not showing the correct transaction type on the tag.

  • Fixed bug where reference and description fields were not clearing when clicking “Save and Add Another” on record tenant payment create page.

  • Fixed bug when creating a work order and it would show that a unit was vacant when it was not.  This was happening on units that were part of a multi unit property.

  • Fixed bug where you could not delete multiple recurring charges unless the page was refreshed.

  • Fixed bug when sending a mass email was failing.

  • Fixed bug when selecting a screening package it would clear after 5 seconds.

  • Fixed bug where tenant could not save a payment method if the bank account number had trailing zeroes.

  • Fixed bug where all letter templates were not showing on the selection field.

  • Fixed bug when customizing a report with a large number of columns the report would not fit on the page.

  • Fixed bug where rent amounts were showing as $0.00 on reports that have the rent column.

  • Fixed bug where vacant units would show to collect a management fee when the vacant unit was set to not collect a fee.

  • Fixed bug where description and payment memo were blank on bill card in work order view page.

  • Fixed bug when changing recurring journal entry it would cause page to freeze.

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